Independence from What?

God save the King!

George Against The Basilisk

Franklin the Fishy

Benjamin Franklin is a rather seedy character; nothing like how he has been portrayed in the cult of the U.S.A. Those who wish to see a some truth of the womanizing money-chaser we worship as a lord of virtue and wisdom should read (or listen to a recording of) American Demagogue by J.D. Dickey.

The Snake

A well known political cartoon of his, published May the Ninth, A.D. 1754, shows the colonies as pieces of a snake, asking them to join into one serpent lest they be destroyed.

But why a snake? Why not an eagle, a common symphony of a government. Why not a lion or a unicorn? Too English likely. Why not a whale or an alligator or a deer? Why a snake?

As to my knowledge we do not have a written confession as to the reason, but it does not take much imagination given the well-known symbolism of the serpent. It typifies the devil, and with that rebellion against all that God has established. This is fitting. What was the revolution hell-bent on removing, despite any possibly legitimate grievances necessarily coming from parliament and bureaucrats. They were hell bent on removing the King.

“Touch Not Mine Anointed”

The Holy Prophet and King David saith in a psalm of praise to God, as recorded in 1 Chronicles and the Psalter, that the LORD commands, “Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm.” King George, though an Anglican, though born into a period of turmoil taking the form of a legislature, is a king anointed unto the Triune God.

One thing my spiritual father notes when discussion of the American Revolutionary War comes up is the symbolism relating to St. George. St. George the dragon-slayer is a patron of England and was well known by the common for killing a demon-imbued dragon, or very-large serpent, that would devour virgins. Everyone, from the noble to the vulgar knew of him. Is it not diabolical then, for the revolutionaries to pick their emblem of the serpent to oppose God’s anointed George?

If you wish to learn more about this pious King, watch Stephen’s new videos covering the book, The Last King of America (Part I, Part II).

Independence from God

There is much more to be said in the free-masonic motives of the founders of the American Oligarchy. Read (or listen to) Nature’s God by Matthew Stewart for an interesting look on this. Ultimately you must understand that the Revolution, any and all revolutions, since Lucifer’s refusal to worship the God Incarnate, have been about a violent war against the throne and the altar.